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How to support your winter skin through diet.

How to support your winter skin through diet.

August 19, 2024

November through to January – not much blooms in these bleak, cold months apart from dried out skin and breakouts. It’s zero degrees outside, the central heating is on full blast and the leftover party skin from Christmas celebrations is still looming- this all contributes to, well, winter skin.

All the above impact the way in which our skin looks and feels, in addition to skin being a real reflection of what is going on inside the body, so keeping your insides nourished during these months November- January is key to getting your skin back to looking and feeling its best.

Read on for Clarissa’s top nutrition and lifestyle tips to get back your glow…


You have probably heard it a thousand times, but there’s a good reason for it. Drinking water and staying hydrated contributes to everything from energy, mood, weight and also…skin health. The cold winter weather paired with the increased alcohol consumption from the festive season, can be a hotbed for dry and dehydrated skin.

Dehydration can result in reduced skin elasticity and dryness, as your skin is one of the last places to receive any essential nutrients and water. Drinking 1 litre of water as soon as you wake will not get rid of your wrinkles, but it’s important to ensure you are consuming around 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day to keep

dehydration at bay and help support the alcohol build up from those festive tipples.


Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that are renowned for their health benefits –  and when it comes to our skin, these fatty acids can contribute to improves hydration, reduced inflammation, supporting the skin’s oil production and potentially minimising signs of aging.

The best way to consume omega-3’s is through regular consumption of oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies. Aim to have oily fish 2-3 X week in your diet to reap the benefits. Plant based sources of omega 3 include flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts- but be mindful that omega-3s from plant sources need to be

You could also consider an omega-3 fish oil or algae based supplement to ensure you are getting your RDA and to keep your skin glowing.


Excess sugar in the diet can lead to glycation, a reaction that occurs when sugar levels attach to proteins and produce free radicals known as AGEs. The more AGEs that build up in the body, the more damage that occurs to the proteins surrounding them. The proteins that make up collagen and elastin are most vulnerable, both of which are responsible for plump, healthy looking skin. High sugar diets have been linked to wrinkles and

reduced skin firmness, with an overload of sugar in the diet impacting insulin levels, which can directly impact your sex hormones. Hormonal imbalance is one of the common causes of acne, blotchy skin and skin rashes.

Choose special occasions to consume desserts and sugary snacks, and consider making your own lower sugar. Try out Clarissa’s Superfood bark for a sweet hit without the excess sugar, and packed with fibre.


Emotional stress can affect the health of our gut microbiome, most commonly impacting bacterial species lactobacillus and bifidobacterium[1] . (1)  Psychological stress can cause our intestinal microbes to produce neurotransmitters that can enter the bloodstream through the intestinal barrier, resulting in inflammation. And higher levels of inflammation can result in acne breakouts and other skin concerns.

For 2022 consider implementing some self-care routines. This could include journaling, deep breathing exercises, connecting with nature or meditation- something to help your brain fully switch off and think elsewhere.


When we sleep our skin regenerates and repairs, especially when we enter deeper modes of restorative sleep. Try out these sleep hygiene practices to ensure you are getting the optimal quality of sleep possible:

– Stop using tech an hour before bed

– Avoid alcohol (especially sugary drinks and cocktails) 2-3 hours before bed

– Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink to help your body remove it before


– Consider supplementing with Magnesium Glycinate which can help with relaxation

and sleep quality*

*Please always work with your doctor or nutritionist before taking supplements, especially if you are on any medications. (1)