Herbs for Mood

If you are leading a stressful life it is essential you also get a daily dose of calm and clarity. We all know the importance of exercise and meditation and how this helps to relieve stress. You can also look to the natural world for a helping hand with mood-enhancing herbs. These can be taken as a supplement, a herbal tea in your bedtime cuppa or can be found in one of our MEDA beverages. 

Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric
Turmeric, or the active component curcumin, isn’t just used to zhoosh up a curry. This anti-inflammatory and antioxidant botanical also has powerful brain healing properties which help to improve mood and memory. Turmeric is often used to help with circulation and helps to support the nervous system. We have paired turmeric with liposomal CBD and ginger in our MEDA Recovery drink.

Relaxing Chamomile
This ancient medicinal herb contains apigenin which is nature’s sedative —  reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. Chamomile can be found in MEDA’s Calm drink alongside calming lavender essential oils and lemon balm or enjoyed as an evening cuppa.

Relaxing Rhodiola
Rhodiola is a famed adaptogen. A natural substance that can help support your body’s resistance and adaptation to stress.Try rhodiola as a supplement or tea.

 [1] One study found that those given 400mg per day had a reduction in work related stress and anxiety. 

Motivational Matcha
Matcha green tea contains L-theanine, a natural energiser that doesn’t have the stimulating side-effects of caffeine. Matcha green tea is also full of antioxidants which is great for fortifying the immune system and it contains chlorophyll, which is a natural detoxifier. Green tea may help support weight loss, thanks to the increased production of thermogenesis (how the body burns calories). 

Adrenal Supporting Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha, or Indian Ginseng, is one of the most powerful and rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s an adaptogen herb which means it provides adrenal gland support (the gland responsible for creating many of our stress hormones). This support can potentially reduce our cortisol levels which in turn may reduce stress or calm our stress responses.  Ashwagandha can be found alongside chamomile in MEDA Calm.

N.B: Please always check with your GP before taking any herbs if you are on any medication or havea chronic disease or concern. This information is not a replacement to medical care or intended to diagnose.

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22228617/