Many women want to take steps to improve their wellbeing – but the general advice of our male counterparts often neglects female-specific needs! As women, our bodies go through a number of changes and cycles throughout the different phases of life, which requires special nutrition attention. In addition, there is often a great deal of pressure put on the way we look and how we perform.
This International Women’s Health Day, Clarissa Lenherr is highlighting some KEY nutrition tips specific for women’s health
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas to help regulate our blood sugar. Its main job is to capture any sugar that enters the body, and then to pass it onto the liver to be stored as energy.
Our energy levels are controlled by insulin – too much insulin results in imbalanced blood sugar levels, which can lead to weight gain, energy peaks and dips, hormonal unbalances, mood changes and even a condition known as PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome.
And why is this importantly specifically for females? It is suggested that pre-menopausal women are more sensitive to insulin than males and post-menopausal women!
So how can we balance our insulin to support energy, weight, mood and more?
Balance Your Portion Sizes – The pancreas releases different volumes of insulin depending on the type of food you eat. Eating a large amount of food in one sitting may cause your body to produce extra insulin, which can eventually lead to hyperinsulinemia. Try to control your portions and aim for a plate consisting of ¼ protein, ¼ carbohydrates, ½ vegetables and a tablespoon of good fats.
Keep Sugar Minimal – High sugar diets have been associated with insulin resistance and may even promote the development of certain metabolic diseases. (1) Aim to consume natural sources of sugar to get your sugar hit such as fruits, low sugar snacks, dark chocolate (70% plus) liquorice tea and cinnamon and lower sugar options. MEDA HUMANS beverages are all low in sugars and make a great drinks option.
Make Cinnamon Your Best Friend- Cinnamon is a delicious tasting natural spice that is loaded with health-promoting antioxidants. Some studies have discovered that by adding cinnamon to food or drinks, may help to lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity. (2)
Exercise – Participating in regular workouts can be impactful for lowering insulin- aerobic exercise, strength training or even a combination of both may help to lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity. (3)
The gut is your main site for detoxification and is where your bacteria recycle sex hormones, especially estrogen, our major female sex hormone.
Try adapting the following gut-loving tips to upgrade your gut health and overall wellbeing:
- Increase your intake of prebiotic-rich foods- raw onion, garlic, oats, asparagus, apples and artichokes.
- Aim to consume probiotic live foods at least 3 times a week- kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso and live yogurt.
- Aim for 30g of fibre per day – from nuts and seeds, complex carbohydrates, fruits and veg with their skin on
- Stick to a minimum of 12 hours of overnight fasting- if you finish your last meal at 8.30pm, aim to have your breakfast at 8.30am the next morning.
- Aim for plant diversity- try to get in 30 different plant foods per week to give your gut a diverse range of nutrients.
When it comes to fat, omega-3 should be high up on your list! Omega-3 is particularly important for women, as it has the potential to protect against certain conditions that affect us ladies such as menstrual pain, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Fat is also one of the most crucial elements for hormonal balance, production and maintenance of proper function. Omega-3 DHA is a critical precursor to a number of hormones and is vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced immune function-
Some studies have even shown that omega-3 may help to reduce insulin resistance (4).
Try to get your omega-3 hit in through oily fish – think salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring. Plant based sources include chia, walnuts and flax seeds, but alternatively, opting for a good quality supplement always works well- I like Bare Biology Omega 3 available here.
One of the most abundant minerals in the body, magnesium plays a key role in a number of bodily functions for women:
Pregnancy- Magnesium is key to building and repairing the body’s tissues. A severe magnesium deficiency may even lead to poor foetal growth or preeclampsia. Pregnant women between the ages of 19-30 should supplement with 350mg of magnesium daily.
Osteoporosis- Some studies have suggested that a magnesium deficiency may be a risk factor for postmenopausal osteoporosis. (5) This is due to a magnesium deficiency having the ability to impact calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium in the body.
PMS- Numerous studies have found that magnesium may help to improve PMS symptoms, including mood fluctuations (6). Another study found that the use of magnesium can positively impact anxiety and depression symptoms, which are also common symptoms that women experience during PMS (7). Easing headaches and sugar cravings, which are common symptoms for women to experience, have also been seen with an increase in magnesium (8).
Stress- Chronic physical or mental stress depletes the body of magnesium, with low magnesium levels actually intensifying stress. This creates a vicious cycle, as magnesium helps to modulate the activity of the body’s stress response system. Studies have suggested that increasing one’s magnesium intake may help to reduce anxiety, ease stress and minimise one’s response to fear. (9)
Top up your magnesium intake to help relieve the above symptoms by taking an Epsom salt bath a few times a week – plus, who doesn’t love a bath to relax? Try 2-3 cups of salts in the bath and soak for 20mins 2 -4 times a week.
In addition, try adding these delicious magnesium-rich foods to your diet each day:
- 70% dark chocolate
- Avocado
- Nuts- cashews, almonds and brazil nuts
- Legumes such as chickpeas and black beans
- Tofu
- Pumpkin seeds
- Fatty fish such as salmon
These can include anything that interferes with the production, release, transport, binding, action or elimination of natural hormones in the body, which are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis. Try to avoid these when possible and opt for natural alternatives.
- BISPHENOL-A (BPA): water bottles, canned foods, receipts
- PHTHALATES: plastic food containers, cling film, bags, medical supplies
- FORMALDEHYDE: found in air fresheners, deodorants, floor polish, upholstery cleaners
- ORGANIC SOLVENTS: petroleum-based liquids found in household products, car care, cosmetics
- PARABENS: shampoos, conditioners, body care items, cosmetics
- Drink a minimum of 1.5-2 litres of water daily – invest in a water filter for your mains or a bottle/ jug filter to eliminate any harmful chemicals.
- Swap plastic bottles and plastic containers for glass only
- Switch cosmetics and household products to natural alternatives – Method and Ecover are good household brands to opt for and makeup and skincare brands include Green People, Ilia and RMS Beauty
There are some easy, everyday lifestyle hacks that can help to upgrade your overall health and get you back to feeling your best, inside and out.
- Saunas- great for improved blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, stress levels, stiff joint relief and they have also been shown to boost overall mood! (10) Try some time out in the sauna for 20 minutes, 1-3 times a week for maximum benefits.
- Exercise- try to sweat at least 3 times a week. Regular exercise can help to boost endorphins, keep your weight in check, prevent bone loss and even improve sleep.
- Optimise sleep- Sleep impacts mental and physical health. Getting good, solid sleep can help boost your mind and mood, whilst preventing further health problems. Women are more likely to have insomnia and other sleep problems than men (11), so winding down before bed and making sure your sleep hygiene is in check is key.
- Quit smoking- Not only does smoking cause the most lung cancer deaths in both men and women, smoking is also associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer (12), not to mention all the other health implications it may cause. The sooner you quit smoking, the sooner you’ll notice the changes to your body, mind and your health.
References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Murray MT, Pizzorno J. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. 2nd ed. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing; 1998. (8) (9) (10)
Nowakowski, S., Meers, J., Heimbach, E. (2013). Sleep and Women’s Health. Sleep Medicine Research; 4(1): 1–22. (11) (12)
Maple syrup is what pancake dreams are made of! Thick, golden and deliciously sweet. However, over the past few years, it has poured its way up the wellness ladder, being touted as one of the “healthiest” sugars to use. But when compared to some of the other sweeteners on the market, how does it fare? Read on below to learn more about these three popular sweet ingredients.
Maple syrup is loved for its warming, delicate and unmistakable taste. When it comes to nutrition, maple syrup does contain some nutrients such as zinc, calcium, riboflavin and magnesium. It also contains some antioxidants, with studies suggesting that maple syrup’s antioxidant plant nutrients offer a number of health benefits (1). One study demonstrated that replacing all refined sugar in the diet with alternative sugars such as maple syrup would increase the total antioxidant intake as much as eating a single serving of berries or nuts! (2) However, the study suggested that this was based on an intake of 130g of added sugar, which would be around five times above the recommended daily intake of added sugars in the UK. So this would need to be spread out across five days for it to have an effect. If your focus is on antioxidant intake, you’re better off consuming the nuts/berries each day.
The glycemic index of maple syrup is around 54, with white table sugar being around 65, which suggests that maple syrup may be a better choice when it comes to blood sugar regulation. The best way to use maple syrup to take advantage of its lower glycemic index is to use less of it than you would normal sugars, as the syrup is sweet enough to go a long way.
This winter, try roasting squash or Brussels sprouts with a drizzle of maple syrup, brush onto baked salmon fillets, find it in the MEDAHUMAN beverages or add into your Christmas cocktail instead of simple syrups.
Stevia is a popular “healthy” sugar alternative, thanks to its perceived wellness halo. However, we mustn’t forget that stevia is still a sweetener.
Stevia is a sweetener made from the extracted leaves of the stevia plant, and is 300 times sweeter than white sugar, and has zero impact on the body’s blood sugar levels. However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the healthiest choice. Sweeteners, natural or not, can impact our sugar cravings – consuming something that tastes sweet, primes the body to receive sugar for energy. When we then don’t give it actual energy, it can make us crave energy rich foods or hold onto fat for additional energy.
In addition, consumer-ready stevia usually contains sugar alcohols, non-digestible carbohydrates that may irritate the digestive system, resulting in symptoms such as cramping, bloating and gas. One study also reported a potential link between sweeteners including stevia, and disruption in the beneficial intestinal flora. The same study also suggested that sweeteners may induce glucose intolerance and metabolic disorders. (3)
Agave is a form of sugar derived from the same plant that tequila is made from. It looks similar to honey, but tastes sweeter and has a lower glycemic index due to being made up of 84% fructose. However, fructose is digested in the liver, and any fructose that doesn’t make it through the liver is potentially stored as body fat. As fructose is considered to be one of the unfavourable forms of sugar, use agave in minimal quantities and buy organic, raw agave rather than the cheaper, highly processed version. When comparing Agave to maple syrup, Agave contains 30 more calories than maple syrup per 100g.
Overall, if you chose maple syrup as your sweetener of choice, use so in moderation, as with all sweeteners. On the glycemic table, it has been shown that agave affects blood sugar levels the same way that honey does, and when it comes to antioxidant content, pure maple syrup comes in much higher than agave. (4)
To conclude, we should not be focussing on getting nutrients and overall health benefits from sugars and should focus on whole food, natural food sources such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds when it comes to key micronutrients. Excessive sugar consumption can result in chronic disease, obesity and hypertension so consuming sugar in moderation is fundamental. (1) (2) (3) (4)
AH February…the month of love. Whether you celebrate Valentines, Galentines or avoid the day entirely, you may still be interested to know that the foods you consume can have a significant impact on your love life and help to spice up your libido.
Having and maintaining a healthy sex drive is associated with feeling emotionally and physically healthy in yourself, so the foods we chose to indulge in, definitely have a role to play. And what a month to try out some new, nutrient dense, libido-boosting foods – get shopping!
Packed with omega-3’s, which help to prevent the build-up of plaque within arteries, promoting healthy blood flow throughout the body. Ensuring your circulatory system is working smoothly may help to reduce the risk of any diseases that impair sexual function. Omega-3 also gives you a good boost of dopamine, one of the brain’s pleasure chemicals that may improve sex drive. (1)(2)
Super rich in antioxidants, numerous vitamins, and dietary nitrates, beetroots are a great place to start when it comes to boosting your sex life. Dietary nitrates help to expand blood vessels, improving blood flow.
Some studies have shown that just one portion of beetroot juice, or several beetroots over a few days, could help to improve performance at intermittent, high-intensity exercise. (3) These mechanisms could potentially help to improve blood flow and stamina during sex, whilst getting the heart-healthy benefits of beetroots too!
Not the sexiest vegetable in the world, but celery has a certain aroma that contains two steroids called androsterone and androstenol. When we consume celery, the subtle pheromone of these two chemicals makes its way to our sweat glands, working to attract the opposite sex. (4)
Celery can be bland alone, but try adding it to your crudite platter, or pairing it with peanut butter- trust us, it works.
Rich in vitamin A and C, asparagus can help promote the growth of healthy skin and hair. (5) (6) When you look good, you feel good, which gives you the confidence you need in the bedroom. Asparagus also packs in potassium and essential B vitamins, giving the body a histamine boost which may help to promote stronger orgasms. (7)
Make sure you have the mints on hand, but garlic is packed with allicin, a compound that improves blood flow (8). This makes everything extra sensitive to touch, also triggering blood circulation which can result in an increase of endurance and stamina in the bedroom.
Dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants (opt for 70%+ varieties) and these may help to release the same feel-good chemicals as those released during sex (9). This feel-good sensation may help to build up desire with your other half. Treat your partner to some extra dark chocolate this valentine’s day to get them in the mood.
A great source of magnesium which helps to support testosterone levels and regular blood pressure. (10) They are also jam-packed with plant-based protein so don’t be afraid to add them into both sweet and savoury meals. Sprinkle your chocolate covered strawberries with hemp seeds for a sexy snack.
References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
With shorter days and plummeting temperatures, the likelihood of catching a cold or the flu increases – after all, winter has arrived! To avoid stocking up on boxes of tissues, sipping on Lemsip for the next few months and having a nose as red as Rudolph, read below for Clarissa’s top tips to keep your immune system on top form this winter.
To help support our bodies during the winter months, try adding in a few of these key vitamins and minerals, required for immune system health.
● Zinc- a mineral that can be topped up from seafood, red meat, pulses, nuts and seeds. A zinc deficiency may potentially impact the immune system’s ability to function optimally, resulting in an increased risk of infection and disease. (1)
● Vitamin C- this potent vitamin and antioxidant that can enhance our immune cells ability to protect against infection. Vit C is also required for cellular death and works by clearing out old cells and replacing them with new ones. (2) Top up your Vit C levels from citrus fruits, broccoli, red peppers and kiwi.
● Vitamin D: Vitamin D has the ability to lower and decrease inflammation, which in turn promotes a healthy immune response. (3) Due to the lack of sunlight in winter, it is advised that from October – April, people living in the UK consider supplementing with the RDI of vitamin D – which is 10mcg/400 IU.
OPT FOR OMEGA 3 – Omega 3 is a form of essential fatty acid that offers a wide range of health benefits including supporting cardiovascular, brain and hormone health.
When it comes to the immune system, omega-3 has been shown to help activate immune system cells such as white blood cells that we need for a robust immune response. (5) In addition, omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. High levels of inflammation can lead to chronic health diseases include immune-related conditions.
Top up your omega 3 intake by regularly consuming oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, anchovies and mackerel, or plant-based options such as walnuts, flax seeds and chia seeds.
Did you know that 70% of our immune system is located in the digestive tract? Pretty amazing, right! So what better place to start than the gut when thinking about immune system support.
- Aim for 30g of fibre per day through pulses, wholegrains and keeping the skin of fruit and veg. Fibre helps to feed our gut bacteria and keep our bowel movements regular and healthy.
- Incorporate fermented foods. Through the process of fermentation, these foods contain live bacteria, that can help support the balance of bacteria in the gut. Try out live yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut or kimchi.
- Consume Prebiotic foods daily. These foods are insoluble fibres that make their way mostly undigested to the large intestine, where our gut bugs can feed on them. This helps our gut bacteria to stay strong and thrive! Include raw garlic, onion, asparagus, flaxseeds, apples and Jerusalem artichokes on the reg!
BE MINDFUL OF BOOZE – A high consumption of alcohol over time can increase our susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, as alcohol can trigger inflammation in the gut and destroy microorganisms. (4) Heavy boozing can also make it challenging for the body to properly tend to other critical functions, such as fighting off an infection.
Aim to have no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, have a few nights of a week and consider low alcohol options such as MEDAHUMANS MEDATINI.
REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) (4)
For many, Halloween is synonymous with the day of eating candy! Regardless of whether you dress up or not, our Instagram feeds, supermarket shelves, adverts and more are filled with ghoulish goodies that are on offer.
Talking of all things scary, sugar has been made out to be the demon of the nutrition world, and whilst we all know that a diet high in sugar isn’t beneficial for our health, there is nothing wrong with an occasional sugary treat – no this isn’t a trick!
To navigate Halloween this year without the sugar crash, read on for our resident nutritionist’s healthy tips.
If you can stick to a healthy breakfast and lunch on the 31st of October, you are less likely to feel guilty about letting your hair down on all hallows eve! That isn’t to say that you should starve yourself all day and wait for the sweets – that can actually be more detrimental, leaving you in a spooky mood, but also leaving you feeling ravenous and more likely to overeat.
Not every snack on Halloween has to hit your daily quota of sugar in one bite! There are some devilishly good savoury options that you can go for, some even packing in a nutritional punch!
- Try out Clarissa’s pumpkin hummus as a great dip for guests
- Healthy Halloween stuffed peppers
- Creamy pumpkin soup
- Curry roasted pumpkin seeds
Not all Halloween themed food needs to fit in the “unhealthy” category. There are some incredibly delicious healthier style bakes that don’t compromise on taste.
When baking goodies, consider some of these lower sugar swaps:
- Try maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar or opt for less sugar in recipes
- Consider using flours such as wholemeal or nut flours such as almond – these have less of an impact on your blood sugar
- Add in spices, especially autumnal spices to dishes – cinnamon, pumpkin spice mixes etc for natural sweetness and flavour
- Use apple, butternut squash, sweet potato or pumpkin puree in recipes for a veggie sweet kick
Green, red and bright orange cocktails might be appealing alongside our favourite costume of choice, but these are often packed with sugars, sweeteners and other funny ingredients that are as scary as some of the bad outfits spotted on Halloween! Whilst it’s important to let loose, there are a few healthy hacks we can fall back on to soften the next day’s fright! - Get mixing up a cauldron of non-alcoholic cocktails using one of MEDAHUMAN’S mixers
- Ask for less sugar if buying drinks out
- Stain your mouth like a vampire and opt for red wine which has less sugar and lower alcohol content than cocktails
- Get in a glass of water for everything alcoholic drink
Food and mood have a long-standing relationship, which goes beyond just eating a chocolate bar to feel good! All of the foods we consume can directly affect our mood.
If we supply our body with the correct, healthy, nutritious fuel from our diet, we provide it with the key building blocks required to create neurotransmitters, hormones, support cognitive health and more.
Read on below to learn about the link between what we eat and mental health, using food to support our mood:
Ever wondered why you feel irritable and frustrated when you miss a meal or are over-hungry? We have this thing called blood sugar aka blood glucose. All of the foods we eat directly impact our blood sugar levels, some more than others…. And certain foods can take our blood sugar too high, and too low. This is called the blood sugar roller coaster. When your blood sugar is on a daily roller coaster ride, your mood is usually likely to follow.
Over consuming sugars, refined carbohydrates, alcohol and missing meals can all lead to spikes and dips in blood sugar levels. These fluctuations in blood sugar levels can impact physical health and emotional wellbeing, putting stress on many-body systems.
What can we do to get off this mood crashing roller coaster? Aim to eat well-balanced meals at every opportunity, with a mixture of complex carbohydrates, protein, good quality fats and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
There are a number of key vitamins and minerals that contribute to energy levels, relaxation, brain function and mood. These include:
- Vitamin D- Vital for energy production and Dopamine and Serotonin production
- The best way to get Vitamin D is from sunshine exposure everyday. Alternatively, you can consider a Vitamin D3 supplement
- Omega 3- Crucial for brain function, and also exerts anti-inflammatory actions that may help relieve depression
- Omega3 is found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel or plant sources such as chia seeds and walnuts
- B Vitamins- play a key role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B-12, B-6 and Folate may be linked to a higher risk of depression.
- B vitamins are found in many different diverse foods. The one to look out for is B12 which is only found in animal foods, so if you are vegan/plant-based you may wish to supplement
- Magnesium- This magic mineral may affect the brain functions that help to lower stress and anxiety
- Magnesium is found in many different plant foods such as avocado, cashews, spinach and more
Protein-rich foods contain amino acids, which help produce key neurotransmitters in preventing and treating depression and anxiety, helping to regulate all thoughts and feelings. In addition, protein helps to keep us full and balance our blood sugar levels.
Opt for a combination of good quality animal and plant-based proteins including legumes, nuts, seeds, and oily fish.
Over 95% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling happy, is created in the Gut, therefore looking after our gut looks after the mind. Happy gut, happy mind.
When the digestive system is compromised, our gut is not as efficient at creating serotonin. Low levels of serotonin can bring down our mood, resulting in low mood and potential anxiety and depression.
Certain medications, environmental toxins, stress, pathogenic bacteria, overconsumption of processed foods and refined sugars can all contribute to leaky gut, a situation where the protective junctions of your intestinal lining become compromised.
This can further lead to inflammation, which can cause neurological inflammation and have a big impact on our mood, energy, sleep patterns, concentration and more.
Ways to support gut health include:
- Eat a high fibre diet- fibre passes through the digestive system, pushing food along and helping to bulk up our stool and keep bowel movements regular.
- Aim for diversity in your diet- as a more diverse microbiome is generally a healthier microbiome.
- Include prebiotic foods- these will promote the increase and health of friendly bacteria in the gut.
- Increase your intake of live fermented foods- by adding beneficial bacteria and enzymes to the intestinal flora, fermented foods may increase the health of the gut microbiome and digestive system.
- Don’t forget that stress management is key. Invest in self-care, slower movement, sleep quality and meditation.
Stimulants, including caffeine and alcohol, may impact your mood. When we consume caffeine, our body produces stress hormones in response. These stress hormones, such as Cortisol, can increase stress levels and potentially trigger mood changes.
Alcohol is a well-known depressant, commonly affecting mood, immune system, energy and sleep when consumed regularly.
When consuming any stimulants, pay close attention to how it makes you feel. If you feel yourself getting anxious, irritable, low in mood or jittery, I recommend reducing or eliminating them from your diet, and monitor how you feel.
Swap out for non-alcoholic alternatives such as MEDAS no-low beverages.
Food can positively impact our mood, but if you are suffering or concerned about someone else’s mental health, it is important to reach out to a professional for support. MIND charity is a great place to start and offers some wonderful resources for people.
It’s that time of year when those beautiful, foil-covered choccies wink at you from the supermarket aisle, and when the scent of cinnamon-covered hot cross buns can sometimes be just too much to resist. It’s been a tough year, and with the end of lockdown in sight and the promise of warmer, sunnier times ahead, you may feel like a little well-deserved celebration. Here are some ways you can stay healthy over Easter – whilst enjoying a few lockdown treats.
Start the day with a healthy breakfast
Instead of reaching for a regular hot cross bun, choose a wholemeal version instead. Try some healthy pancake recipes, ones which use bananas instead of flour, and top with natural sugars such as coconut sugar, maple syrup or fruit — raspberries, pomegranates and blueberries are full of antioxidants.
Instead of Easter eggs try the real variety instead. These include vitamins A, B-12 and selenium, ingredients which are good for your immune system. A protein-packed egg can help you feel fuller for longer, meaning you might not need to reach for the naughtier version!
Get active
Start your day with some big breaths, a dose of meditation or a fun Easter walk with the family. Join an online exercise class one, or if the weather permits, go for a long cycle ride. Spring cleaning the house is also a great way to burn off a few calories.
Take it easy
Enjoy every mouthful and eat slowly and mindfully. Don’t overload your plate, and take breaks during the meal. This kick-starts your digestion and can trick your brain into thinking you’re full. If you’re hungry between meals, reach for healthier options such as fruit, nuts, popcorn or dark chocolate.
Enjoy some chocolate
You read that right. The right kind of chocolate can be good for you. It’s full of antioxidants, and flavanols which can reduce inflammation and cardiovascular disease. It is also high in magnesium, iron, copper and manganese. Just make sure you’re grazing in moderation and that you pick a dark chocolate with a 70% or higher cocoa content.
Satisfy your sweet tooth
If you’re going to tuck into sweets, look for natural ones which are low in sugar and contain real fruit juice. You could try dark chocolate-covered almonds, a natural fruit sorbet or maple-roasted bananas.
Make the healthier choice
Swap the roasted potatoes for roasted carrots, and instead of lamb, go for turkey which is leaner and lower in calories. Oven-baked salmon is a great way to get omega-3 essential fatty acids and it can both lower your blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Remember to eat plenty of delicious, vitamin-loaded seasonal spring vegetables. For Easter pudding, bake a carrot cake instead of a chocolate-loaded one.
Remember to hydrate, especially if drinking alcohol. Think about using low-calorie mixer tonics instead of sweet, carbonated drinks such as the MEDA NO-LO range. If you’re going to drink juice, water it down so you’re reducing your sugar intake.
Don’t feel guilty!
Enjoy your Easter time. It’s been a hard year, and we all deserve a treat now and then.
Ever thought that embarking on a quick detox diet will be the quick answer to your health goals? Detox diets and products have become a thing of norm among the world of Instagram and influencers but these detox promises can often cause more damage than good. Read on to hear about the dark side of detoxes by our in-house nutritionist.
Detox teas
Often touted to help you get a “flat stomach” or “lose weight”, these detox teas can be packed with ingredients that you wouldn’t find in your standard herbal infusion. One of the reasons you may get ‘results’ from these teas is the addition of laxatives – products that promote increased bowel movements and diuretics – ingredients that make you urinate excessively.
When used in excess, laxatives can irritate the gut and lead to diarrhoea, dehydration and stomach cramps. They impact nutrient absorption and in the long-term affect the way your bowels work.
One of the main ingredients to watch out for is Senna – a natural laxative that can be helpful in the short run for periods of strain or constipation but is not for long term consumption!
Fasting is an ancient ritual that has been used for centuries, and while certain dietary regimens that include some fasting have been shown to be beneficial, there is a dark side to fasting. Fasting for long periods of time can leave people dehydrated, increase risk of fainting or dizziness, can trigger additional stress in the body and can impact female sex hormones. If you want to introduce fasting to support your health, start with a 12 hour fast and incrementally increase the hours over time until you get to a comfortable point without feeling shaky or low in energy – with a good upper time frame of 16 hours fasting.
Weight loss pills
They may seem appealing, but the rows of pill bottles to help you shed weight or speed up the metabolism are far from miracle cures. They are often packed with caffeine, capsaicin (a chemical from jalapenos), green tea, L-carnitine and chromium. Studies suggest that some of these ingredients can impact appetite and calorie burn however the direct impact they will have on your weight loss journey is likely to be limited. And high consumption of some ingredients such as caffeine and L-Carnitine can have negative side effects.
It is agreed among diet and health professionals that the most sustainable, healthy way to lose weight is to move, de-stress and eat a well-balanced diet!
Juice cleanses
A juice cleanse can have its benefits. Giving your digestive system a break, can help you pack in nutrients and keeps you hydrated. However, long-term or very regular juice cleanses can leave you lacking in nutritional intake. Fat and protein are two macro nutrients groups that are key for health, and missing in a juice cleanse diet. Additionally, juicing can leave us with little fibre to break down which is not good for the gut! If doing a juice cleanse, opt for predominantly green juices and keep it to a short period of time or add in some protein rich snacks.
Is 2021 the year you are going to kick your sugar habit? Whether you go cold turkey or just want to sensibly navigate sugars, here are some of our in-house nutritionist’s favourite hacks and hints to help you.
Look for Hidden Sugar
Consuming less sugar isn’t always as easy as cutting out sweet foods. Sugar is added into many foods, savoury options too such as soups, crackers, crisps and breads.
So how do we navigate this? Read your food labels to understand where sugar has been added.
First up, ingredients are listed in highest percentage first so look out for any sugar in the first five ingredients. And remember sugar has many names including sorbitol, dextrose, fructose, glucose, barley malt, cane syrup.
Don’t Skimp on Fat and Protein at Meal Times
When we are short on fat or protein in our meals we are more likely to feel hungry a few hours later. And when we are hungry, we are more likely to reach for sugary/starchy foods. Ensure one quarter of your plate is protein and add some good fats too.
If you are opting for something sweet, pairing it with fat and/or protein can help slow the release of the sugars, giving you less of a high and consequent sugar crash low.
Avoid Sweet Breakfasts
If we start the day with something sweet we hit go on the blood sugar rollercoaster – a situation where our blood sugar yo-yos’ all day leaving us with energy highs and lows. When this happens and our energy crashes, our body tells us to reach for fast acting energy sources – aka sugar. Start the day with something that has protein, fats, complex carbohydrates and veggies such as an omelette with sweet potato and spinach.
Choose One and Once
If you can’t kick the sweet tooth entirely set yourself a limit of one time per day and one portion — instead of picking at sugar all day long. if you choose just one opportunity you are still able to enjoy something sweet without it impacting your health goals. That one opportunity is for one portion — not five!
Opt for Naturally Sweet Alternatives
While berries don’t taste the same as sweeties; eventually as you cut back on refined sugars you will begin to notice that naturally sweet foods taste sweet. And while it might be tempting to reach for coconut sugar or date syrup in your baking — when you add sugar, you add sugar. Instead reduce the overall added sugar and swap to non-refined alternatives that may be a little slower release and provide a little additional minerals and vitamins.
Make Simple Swaps
Milk chocolate for 70% plus dark chocolate.
Sweets for fruit bowls and berries.
Fizzy drinks with sparkling water and herbs or explore MEDA’s range of drinks and mixers which are low in added sugars.
Use salsa instead of ketchup.
Add real fruit to plain yogurt.
If you are leading a stressful life it is essential you also get a daily dose of calm and clarity. We all know the importance of exercise and meditation and how this helps to relieve stress. You can also look to the natural world for a helping hand with mood-enhancing herbs. These can be taken as a supplement, a herbal tea in your bedtime cuppa or can be found in one of our MEDA beverages.
Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric
Turmeric, or the active component curcumin, isn’t just used to zhoosh up a curry. This anti-inflammatory and antioxidant botanical also has powerful brain healing properties which help to improve mood and memory. Turmeric is often used to help with circulation and helps to support the nervous system. We have paired turmeric with liposomal CBD and ginger in our MEDA Recovery drink.
Relaxing Chamomile
This ancient medicinal herb contains apigenin which is nature’s sedative — reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. Chamomile can be found in MEDA’s Calm drink alongside calming lavender essential oils and lemon balm or enjoyed as an evening cuppa.
Relaxing Rhodiola
Rhodiola is a famed adaptogen. A natural substance that can help support your body’s resistance and adaptation to stress.Try rhodiola as a supplement or tea.
[1] One study found that those given 400mg per day had a reduction in work related stress and anxiety.
Motivational Matcha
Matcha green tea contains L-theanine, a natural energiser that doesn’t have the stimulating side-effects of caffeine. Matcha green tea is also full of antioxidants which is great for fortifying the immune system and it contains chlorophyll, which is a natural detoxifier. Green tea may help support weight loss, thanks to the increased production of thermogenesis (how the body burns calories).
Adrenal Supporting Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha, or Indian Ginseng, is one of the most powerful and rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s an adaptogen herb which means it provides adrenal gland support (the gland responsible for creating many of our stress hormones). This support can potentially reduce our cortisol levels which in turn may reduce stress or calm our stress responses. Ashwagandha can be found alongside chamomile in MEDA Calm.
N.B: Please always check with your GP before taking any herbs if you are on any medication or havea chronic disease or concern. This information is not a replacement to medical care or intended to diagnose.