Back to life and feeling burnt out?
Jumping straight from the never-ending restrictions to a crazy hectic social life is a bit of a shock factor for us all! Burning the candle at both ends can lead to exhaustion, lowered mood and potentially even… burnout.
Burnout is the state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by a variety of different factors. Trying to juggle too much at once or not listening to how you’re really feeling – sounds familiar? If you don’t take preventative measures, you could be at risk of burning out.
To help you manage your energy and stress levels as we enter back into normality, our in-house nutritionist has shared her top tips to avoid burnout below.
So many of us avoid saying “no” to plans, it’s a people-pleasing thing. It is natural to want to please others and avoid FOMO. Whilst temporarily, this may make your friends happy and strip away your guilt, this can lead to mounting stress and pressure. Being honest with your friends when you’re not feeling up to something can be a real game-changer, and considering what you’d say to them in a similar situation.
Planning is crucial when returning to office life. It can help to settle all sorts of anxiety and nerves. If you have control over your working week and know exactly what to expect, it won’t seem as overwhelming. Plan your route, where to have lunch and if you have any activities you want to do after work.
We all need sleep to function. And when it comes to burnout and stress levels, sleep allows our bodies to restore and reset, making us more resilient for the challenges ahead the next day. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, set up a sleep routine and reduce your use of electronics close to bedtime.
If you struggle with sleep try lighting some candles, consider a magnesium supplement, try out some essential oils and sip on MEDA Human’s Sleep to get you in the sleep zone. If you have a lot on your mind, try journaling and popping down your thoughts on paper.
Take your time. You may feel under pressure to snap right back into reality as soon as restrictions are lifted, but try to be gentle on yourself and take each day as it comes. Keep a close eye on your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, giving yourself enough time to recharge from work stress. You can build yourself back up over time at a pace that feels comfortable and safe for you.
Try to identify what helps you to take a step back and relax. For example: reading, cooking, taking a bath or listening to music. Many people find exercise helps them to relax. Consider introducing activities such as yoga or meditation to help wind down and switch off after a busy day. A great tool that is entirely free is breathing. Taking time to breathe and controlling your breath has also been shown to physically calm the body, which can help us to feel less stressed.
Overall, think about what you want to keep from your lockdown life and what you want to go back to. Try to avoid the temptation to go straight back into old ways, designing a new hybrid life by taking the best of the old ways and new ways to create the perfect balance.