6 Self-care practices for the mind

Feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed? These times of uncertainty can, for many of us,  trigger changes in our mood.  While we can’t alter what is happening or take stresses away, we can focus on self-care, particular for our minds.

Clarissa Lenherr, our in-house nutritionist shares some of her favourite ways you can show your mind some tender loving care. 

You’ve heard it time and time again, but meditation really does work. Anchoring your mind can improve your sense of wellbeing and improve your sleep. Take some you time every day: switch off the background noise and put on some headphones. Immerse yourself in some free guided meditations with apps such as Headspace, Simple Habit or Stop, Breathe and Think. Go on a walk and nourish your calm by staying in the moment and by breathing deeply.

Stick to a daily routine
It’s easy to feel a loss of control when you’re in lockdown. Keeping a daily routine will help you navigate through the seemingly endless groundhog days. Try to modify your schedule on weekdays and weekends so that you break up the week. Set your alarm clock, make your bed, brush your teeth, and get dressed! Plan daily mealtimes and downtimes. Fit in some daily exercise, and try to get out of the house once a day. 

Take yourself back to one of your favourite childhood habits. Have you ever written a secret diary or notes to an invisible friend? Revisit diary writing or journaling and reap the mind settling rewards. Whether it is writing a daily note to yourself, penning a mini story, jotting down daily gratitudes or keeping note of your dreams, writing can be a great creative outlet and a way to place your thoughts somewhere other than your mind!

Listen to music
Music releases dopamine, the feel-good chemical in the brain. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lover of pop, rock, jazz or classical – just get your tunes going, have a sing-a-long if you fancy, and enjoy the noteworthy moment.

Getting cabin fever and dreaming of pastures new outside your four walls? Make lists of some of the things you’ll want to achieve as soon as lockdown is lifted. Start planning a holiday for later this year, decide on which family and friends you’ll visit first, get your hair appointment on the checklist as well as some autumn theatre and a night out at your favourite restaurant. 

Contemplate your navel
Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not learning a new language, reading anthologies, powering through box sets or running a marathon. It is ok to give your chattering brain a break from all the traffic. Take a deep breath, put your feet up, and just be!